33 Miles, a Christian trio with Jason Barton (a Tech Alumni) has a new project that will be released this summer. They will be in Shreveport, LA on July 17 at Summer Grove Baptist Church (complete tour schedule).
There currently is a free downloadable track (from their first project) available at www.freeccm.com (site registration is required to access the free download).
I knew Jason in college and he was unbelievable talented then and has only gotten better. He also roomed with one of my good friends Jay Simmons. Jason and his wife, Jennifer (what a great name for a wife!) were featured in the June issue of Redbook which made its way to the front page of MSN.com
Their Freshman release, 33 Miles, can be purchased at Amazon for about $13 or through their web site.
If you haven’t heard 33 Miles, they are worth a listen to. You can listen on-line at their web site at: www.33milesonline.com