Frosty Cappuccino (part 2)

coffeeThe joys of living in a small town.  I sent the Frosty Cappuccino recipe to my friend Sarah Bell because I know she loves coffee and with 2 kids, well 3 counting Donnie, I’m sure she needs as much caffeine as she can get!

She e-mailed me back and said that she couldn’t find the Espresso Instant powder anywhere in town.  I have no idea where Jennifer and I purchased it from, but we used the last bit of it on Monday night!

Where else to look but the Wal-mart of the Internet (which calling it Wal-mart is almost an insult, it is so much better than Wal-mart). Of course I’m talking about Amazon.

Sure enough, the not only have it, but have the exact brand that we’ve been using.  I do have to buy a 6 pack of it but I will be drinking the Frosty Cappuccino’s for a while now!


