A Bit of Goofyness

Caden and I play this game every night while mommy is getting his bath ready. I undress him and when I get to his onesie, the game begins. To keep him from getting upset when I pull it over his head, I count 1, 2, 3, and pull it real fast over his head, then back again. He just giggles.

One night, the onesie got “stuck on his head, and the camera just happen to be near by:

Another night, while Jennifer was getting his bottle ready, I was entertaining Caden, and well, he felt like I needed a little loving, so he planted a big wet one right on me!

More of these goofy pics are at: http://nealbreeding.com/photos/132/


I can feed myself!

Well it has been a little while since the last Caden update and we’ve been busy!

Caden turned 6 months on December 6, and we started on rice cereal that Thursday. Jennifer left me “in charge” of feeding him the following Monday while she and a friend went to the Lady Techster Basketball game. And we had FUN.

I can feed myself!

We are “boys” we are suppose to be messy, right? It didn’t take very long for Caden to tell me that he was more than capable of feeding himself, and so I let him. Notice the absence of a baby bib. If he can feed himself, why does he need one? This photo was taken early on… the next photo was after “we” were finished!

Of course, we figured we might be in trouble if mom came home before we got cleaned up, so we quickly went and took a bath and Caden was in bed and mom was none the wiser when she got home. She did, however, notice the next time she fed him that he started grabbing the spoon to try and feed himself.

When she ask me about it, I just acted a bit surprise 🙂

Merry Christmas!

Jennifer, Caden, Emma (our dog) and myself would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

We’ll have lots of FUN pictures on-line after Christmas, but to hold you over until then, I do realize, you care more about the pictures, than the updates, here is our Christmas e-card: http://www.nealbreeding.com/2007/

God Bless!

The Breedings

Caden is 5 (months that is)

It is hard to believe another month has gone but it has – actually more than
a month. I sent out the last update on October 10th. Caden is 5 months+
and growing like a weed that has been fed micarle grow and watered ever day,
ha! ha!

He has attended 3 Louisiana Tech Football games (at least until half time)
and can’t wait for his parents to take him to some basketball games! 🙂

He has made two road trips in the last month, one to Pineville, only a
couple of hours away. He apparently didn’t like the last half of the trip
home, because he yelled most of the way. He did must better on the next
road trip, to Hot Springs Village and Benton, AR (about 3.5 to 4 hours
away). He slept most of the way there, expect the last 30 minutes, and he
slept the ENTIRE way home! His parents were VERY excited about this LONG

Speaking of sleep, we ARE getting it. Of course, we really can’t complain,
we’ve he has been a great sleeper since we brought him home. He does
however, have his dad’s daytime sleeping habits (I’ve been told).

“A 30-40 minute cat nap is great, all I need and I’m ready to go again!”
ha! ha!

We are hanging around Ruston for Thanksgiving, grandma Breeding and Auntie K
and Uncle Clint are all coming to stay. I wonder if there will be any food
cooked at our house during this time?

On to what you really want! Pictures of the boy!
http://www.nealbreeding.com/cadenphotos.php (the new ones are under the
October and November links).

Here is a bonus shot we took tonight!


God Bless!

Love Neal, Jennifer, Caden and Emma (the dog)

October (and September) Update

Well it has been a while since an update… where did September go? Oh yea, school started, which meant life in Ruston got really busy.

I’ve also had a number of after hour web site projects that have been keeping me busy.

Caden is doing great and growing, 13lb 12oz, 25″ as of Tuesday (4 month check up). He (or should I say his parents) survived the 4 month immunizations on Saturday.

Caden has already been to his first Tech Bulldog Football game and he looked really sharp in his Tech gear. He almost got to see, well, um, hear (we left at 1/2 time) the Bulldogs defeat #20 Hawaii.

He has informed me he is expecting a WIN this weekend (at Homecoming) and may want to stay past 1/2 time.

He also is enjoying Church and has been making the rounds… not only to our Sunday School class but the “older” folks that we are such good friends with.

Daycare (or school as Jen calls it) is going well. On his 2nd day of school he came home with his first (of many I’m sure) fund raisers, lol! He also sold the most in his class and has quickly become one of the teacher’s pets, ha!

Jennifer is doing well and is back working full-time (which translates into 4 days a week and some paperwork at home when she gets a chance).

In addition to my web site projects, I’ve been working on a toy/book shelf/cabinet for Caden’s room. Hopefully by the next update I’ll be done with it and have it in the room and have some uploaded pictures to show you.

Guess that is it for now!

Hope things are well with you guys!