Yes, we are alive and well… it has been a little while, ok, a LONG while, try Feb. 15, since our last update.
We have been TOO busy, all of us, but we are all good. Caden has two new cousins (both of Jennifer’s sisters successfully had little girls in the last two months).
Caden is crawling everywhere, not slowing down AT ALL and threating to start walking, and rightly so, he will be a year or 12 months or 365 (really 366) days, should I stop? maybe one more 8,784 hours old, next Friday!
So I don’t have what you want… new photos on-line, I know that is the real reason you read these e-mails, BUT I keep reading…
The delay in the photos aren’t because we aren’t taking them, we are, I assure you, but we just aren’t uploading them, ok, Neal isn’t, he just hasn’t made the time.
There is a video (see, aren’t you glad you kept reading?) Wanna see it? Then go to
The Breedings