I have been thinking for some time of adding a food/kitchen category on my blog. Not that I write enough to have a bunch of categories, something about that 10 month old keeps me from making time to write more, but I constantly run across fun food facts, gadgets, and gizmos that are fun.
If you know me very well, and I’m guessing you do, because you are reading my blog, You know that I love computers (not to be confused with working on them), I love to cook, and I love gadgets (what man doesn’t?)
Today, while researching mother’s day gifts, I ran across a number of fun products that I liked and decided to revisit this idea of a food/kitchen category, if for no other reason than to bookmark them in one location for myself. 🙂 I’m linking to where I found them so in case you think they are cool also and want more details, you have a location and you don’t have to Google to find the item.
So here is my first item, since I’ve had a kidney stone or two, three, four, (ok I stopped counting after the fourth), I limit my in-take of coffee to 3 cups a day. With this cup, it looks like I could have them all at once.
Fred Stacked Cup -Classic White