Maybe Reform will Happen?

Yesterday, Bobby Jingdal lived up to his promise of reform and protecting us from “the good ol’ boys and girls” by vetoing the bill that the Legislatures had passed trying to raid (or should I say rape?) our State’s treasury.  The complete press release can be read here.

I don’t consider this issue over, at least not for me.  I will be e-mail my representatives, Hollis Downs and Bob Kostelka, sharing my disappointment with them for voting for this bill.  I plan to watch them very closely between now and re-election time to see if they will support the Governor on his reform agenda.  Depending on their support, I may or may not vote for them in the next election.
note: I believe Downs cannot run again due to term limits, which even makes less sense on why he voted for the raise?

If you live in Louisiana, I would suggest you do the same.  Who is your representative you ask?  (Don’t be ashamed, most of us stay so busy and don’t make time for politics, until something like this happens, me included).  You can find out on-line at:

If you wonder how your represnative voted, the results are also on-line:

